1,363 photos taken in Mount Vernon, Iowa

  • The Penguin Sign
  • The Penguin Story
  • Kari made it about 10 minutes longer than this.
  • Lindsey
  • Soap Shoes on a crossing sign in Mt Vernon
  • w00t! I peed my pants! 5 comments
  • Garret Ollie-ing up a 3 set
  • Round-up
  • Round-up
  • Me, Kevi, and Scott
  • I'm engaged to Allie Peters
  • Jamie's Glasses
  • Kari's Glasses
  • Paul and Kari
  • Cotton Kevi
  • Kevi being all Roxtar
  • Tequila, ack
  • Lara, Big D, and Jenna 1 comment
  • Girls
  • Kari and her family
  • Kari and my family
  • Kari and my grandparents
  • Kari and her diploma 2 comments
  • Kari and I
  • Kari and I
  • Kari and I
  • Jeff and Kari
  • Kari's family
  • After Graduation
  • Check out Les Garner's bling
  • Les Garner
  • Rubbing lindsey's shoulders 2 comments
  • Kari's Fam
  • Jerred Moeller and Kari
  • Kari and Joe
  • Kari and I
  • No idea what is going on here
  • @ the Hilltop
  • Kari and parents
  • Kari and a student
  • Girls
  • My big head is in the way