1,363 photos taken in Mount Vernon, Iowa

  • Stairwell Board
  • The bottom of the Mount Vernon water tower turned green
  • ~5 year old Soap Shoes Sticker
  • ~5 year old Soap Shoes Sticker
  • Kari and I at Cornell 1 comment
  • King Chapel
  • Ped Mall
  • Cornell College Sign
  • Bare Knuckle Stout at Chameleon's
  • Vines
  • What Craig did to my arm. 2 comments
  • Drea's new ink makes her tougher... 3 comments
  • "That better not be a penis!"  "it's not"
  • WOLF COOL 3 comments
  • Drea hates my ash elbows 1 comment
  • Beer
  • oooooo-eeeeeee
  • Kari and Autumn
  • Salt, Mustard, pepper, Ketchup
  • Those are little babies... in our belly buttons.  it was her idea.
  • KMSP
  • "We can and will beat dubuque tomorrow"
  • 14-51 at Halftime.  Go Cornell!
  • Silverwear, Silverwhere, Silverwere
  • Brandon DeCap and I
  • Boone, Me, and Christine
  • Me and Drew DeCap
  • "Quit your job and hang out"
  • Johnny Johnson!
  • Girls 1 comment
  • Jamie and Matt
  • Kari and Big D 2 comments
  • Brandace, Tia, and Matt
  • At Chameleon's 1 comment
  • Mo and Big D
  • KB and TB
  • Tim and I 2 comments
  • Pep Rally Fireworks
  • Pep Rally Fireworks
  • Pep Rally Fireworks
  • Pep Rally Fireworks
  • Pep Rally Fireworks