1,363 photos taken in Mount Vernon, Iowa

  • Climbing into random beds
  • Waking up random dude
  • Me climbing into Matt's loft
  • Kari high-fiving John.  wait...
  • Manuel, Lindsey, Elizabeth, and Kari
  • John, Lindsey, Cassie, Paul, and Kari
  • Paul and I
  • John, Elizabeth, and I
  • Me and my fisheye
  • Lindsey and I
  • Elizabeth and Erin 1 comment
  • Elizabeth with her Chocolate/lil chub cake
  • I wear hair pretties
  • Why do I feel the need to steal signs and put them on Elizabeth's head
  • Steph in a box
  • Kari has webbed toes
  • So buff I can wear a Dodgeball headband on my arm
  • I never smoked cannabis.  Me Neither.  I had a brownie once but I didn't inhale it.  Oh dear...
  • Lindsey, totally iced out.  ...with her ring of ice.
  • Kevi and Harper
  • Harper and his HS buddy
  • Me
  • Kevi and Chris Muellners
  • Kevi's whiteboard
  • My family
  • Mom and I
  • Grandma, Grandpa, and I
  • Me and Wallace
  • Paige and Me
  • Burke, Me, and Aaron
  • Professor Tony deLaubenfels and Me
  • Lookin at it
  • Mugshot 2
  • Mugshot 1
  • Me and Zay
  • Erich and some sweet goggles
  • Graduates
  • Marja and Me
  • Me and dude
  • Cousins
  • My family
  • Bout to graduate college!