192 photos taken in New York, New York

  • Ground Zero art
  • Ground Zero stuff
  • Sushis and pizzas and dumplings at Julia's place
  • Hangin with Julia's crazy dog
  • Freedom tower. I kinda messed up the composition on this one...
  • Tolarbone
  • Look at this giant toblerone
  • Tolar bought this huge toblerone
  • #cigars
  • Gettin some ethiopian food with our friend Melodee
  • Clint is very proud about making PROPS say POOPS
  • i love you
  • Dad came with a duffle bag stuff, ha
  • Mercedes, babe
  • GROM gelato
  • Another slice at Joe's
  • Nerd stuff
  • Hackin
  • Succulent PYPL.
  • Hack week kickoff
  • Look at this homemade bike rack
  • The "$26 burger." One of the best burgers I've had.
  • At Ty's
  • Tapas with Dad and Brian
  • Mediterranean street foods!
  • Fake America Hate Again
  • Walking around the High Line
  • Checked in and ready to walk around the city.
  • This is a great travel speaker. Even for showers.
  • Good tunes in the hotel lounge
  • Finished my last night off with a beer from the hotel's beer hall before bed.
  • My hotel had a temporary ice skating rink out front
  • After accidentally ubering to my office, I enjoyed a brisk walk back to the hotel.
  • I got to hang with my cousin Ayla for the first time in 7 years! It was really fun catching up.
  • Bout to stuff ourselves with Ethiopian food with Clint and Jacqui
  • The hotel lounge was cool
  • The hotel lounge
  • Havin birthday cake and a selfie to celebrate Harper's birthday
  • It was Harper's birthday, so we got a cake to celebrate
  • Havin a cocktail with Ivan