842 photos taken in West des Moines, Iowa

  • They ran out of buckets. We get see-through!
  • Yesssss
  • This is not making work fun
  • Lights off disco funk app dev!
  • Lunch!
  • Sorry, our grammar sucks.
  • I spoil my wife 4 comments
  • Just upgraded anthony's new macbook pro from 5400rpm - 160gb hd, 2gb ram to 7200rpm - 320gb hd, 4...
  • Cut it shorter this morning. Feels good.
  • Just rode the longboard to subway and back. Soooo much nicer than the regular board. So fun.
  • Attempting to use the fancy new android google voice app - but its trying to use my gmail acct in...
  • Running open home and a nice weather widget on my g1. Pretty happy about it.
  • Yeah @zlarson. Jeeps are for girls.
  • Chef zon's special
  • t-mobile 3G in des moines!
  • My android autocorrect dictionary, haha
  • Black skies to the right
  • Blue skies to the left.
  • Helping Tobbie see the light.
  • Giff - bringing down the W flag
  • Giff's Cubs W flag - before
  • Wishing I was in that car...
  • Torpedo!
  • Busted Bench
  • Kristin brought me this CD back from vegas, ha
  • Bob being awesome 3 comments
  • Finally got a widescreen cinema display 1 comment
  • I can't wait to shut this ghettoness off.  Getting closer.
  • I got this in the mail from Kari's classroom, haha.
  • This is a crock pizza
  • Cubs and Old Style at Giff's
  • Red Bull Cola
  • I've finally found it - The dewski holster
  • Hy-Vee chinese does not mess around.
  • Buying my Mac Mini 2 comments
  • Hail at work
  • Cause I Like To Party 1 comment
  • Flaps Up
  • New hat, new glasses, new leather coat 6 comments
  • My Mad Bomber Hat Came, haha. 5 comments
  • My Mad Bomber Hat Came, haha. 1 comment
  • Pho at China Garden - not quite A Dong... but pretty good.