
  • Kari and I are having a great time in the ocean 4 comments
  • Having a cocktail at the main resort pool
  • Swimmin 3 comments
  • Hangin back at our pool
  • Havin a Nicaraguan patio beer before dinner
  • You can hire the chef at this resort to prepare a special 4-18 course tasting menu based on your ...
  • About to have another amazing dinner with this pretty lady
  • some crazy scallops with pureed cauliflower and crispy, beet died cauliflower slices
  • Mahi Mahi filet with quequisque scales. Avacado emulsion, baby corns, rolled pepper slices, and t...
  • Ice cream wrapped in dark chocolate with some lava chocolate poured over top.
  • Apparently following this trail takes us to a yoga class
  • Hiking to the yoga deck
  • Just did my first yoga class. 2 comments
  • The yoga deck
  • A pretty nice view
  • Just yoga'd
  • Watching the Mexico vs Portugal soccer match in the beach club
  • We had this entire beach to ourselves
  • nicaragua-32236
  • Swimming at Playa Guacalito
  • Look out at this crazy little island with what seemed to be tons of vultures circling it.
  • A big, really nice island from Playa Guacalito
  • Exploring Playa Guacalito with kari
  • Walking along the lava at Playa Guacalito
  • Wave splashes
  • A giant lava rock - with Kari getting sprayed by some crashing waves
  • Ocean. Lava rocks. Islands.
  • Some huge wave crashes off of Playa Guacalito
  • Walking along Playa Guacalito. We had the entire thing to ourselves.
  • Lava and waves
  • A crazy tree behind Playa Guacalito
  • Playa Guacalito
  • Snacks on snacks on snacks.
  • Flor de Caña rum tasting
  • Hangin in the Flor de Caña rum room for a tasting
  • Sippable rum exists... Flor de Caña 12 1 comment
  • This iguana hung out on our villa's fence posts all week
  • A Nicaraguan Breakfast for surfin energy. Crispy tortilla, gallo pinto, eggs, sun dried tomatoes
  • Learned how to surf today 4 comments
  • Riding a wave in

Photos from our trip to Mukul resort in Nicaragua

Photos taken in June, 2017 in United States, Nicaragua, and Belize

Album added 7 years ago (Jun 22, 2017).