Photos Tagged Screenshot

Here's a list of all 244 photos tagged Screenshot here at

  • Screenshot - Current status. 2 comments
  • Screenshot - So many people in chat! Photo by Victoria Pater
  • Screenshot - Look at these dudes 1 comment
  • Screenshot - Mowin my lawn. As seen from my pocket. 2 comments
  • Screenshot - Tolar busted me working on my website during a meeting. Stupid prescription sunglasses.
  • Screenshot - Animated Stand
  • Screenshot - Stretch
  • Screenshot - Top Score
  • Screenshot - I love my team. 11 comments
  • Screenshot - Just had to play a hilarious game of "find my @ridedart bus" after last week's fire detoured the ...
  • Screenshot - Caught hangin with buds
  • Screenshot - Just booted up a 10+ year old laptop and was greeted with this bit of Cornell nostalgia. 1 comment
  • Screenshot - It's really handy that this monitor has an internet explorer setting.
  • Screenshot - Just got done with a super productive meeting with the @wearemodest team
  • Screenshot - Nailed it.
  • Screenshot - Chattin with Chuck 1 comment
  • Screenshot - Tapper
  • Screenshot - Last night I was told that my phone wallpaper looked like a gay muscle, haha.
  • Screenshot - Today's apparently my 4-year foursquare anniversary... and, Pepto-Bismol!
  • Screenshot - Remote Workers of the Future Unite 2013 Photo by Clint James Ecker 8 comments
  • Screenshot - Lunar Team remote workin 5 comments
  • Screenshot - Kari's head scans
  • Screenshot - whoa! Did @ridedart finally publish their transit data to google???
  • Screenshot - Who wants to go to Buffalo Wild Wings?
  • Screenshot - Look at this wallpaper! 2 comments
  • Screenshot - iPhonin 6 comments
  • Screenshot - It's happening 10 comments
  • Screenshot - Harper lookin good on BBC 2
  • Screenshot - This is why I love foursquare.
  • Screenshot - Comparing Nexus GPS's for hiking
  • Screenshot - I apparently sent a snapchat to a stranger who I thought was some else. His response...
  • Screenshot - iPad Homesceen
  • Screenshot - This is how I always organize my Android and iOS screen
  • Screenshot - Congratulations, Derek
  • Screenshot - 2.4GHz is a little crowded over here.
  • Screenshot - Offroading to experiment station road
  • Screenshot - OMG, flashbacks. 1 comment
  • Screenshot - Des Moines in 3D, heh
  • Screenshot - AWS Keynote Props
  • Screenshot - Phatnoz 1 comment
  • Screenshot - CORNELL-COLLEGE login 2 comments
  • Screenshot - Havin a long distance beer with Kari and Jeff