1,177 photos taken with a Apple iPhone 15 Pro

  • Checkin out DJ Strudel Boy's Mansion Party
  • Got that first beer
  • Whoa boy. This line is longer than Bock Fest
  • Alright, let's see what this thing's all about
  • Gettin that Dirndl done up
  • Gettin my hair done
  • Brekkie
  • Campin in New Ulm
  • This ain't not jukebox
  • Solvin problems
  • Hootin and hollerin
  • Josh joins in
  • Big time karaoke bros
  • Clay!
  • Trying to find a Primitive Gathering
  • College friends
  • Cocktails at Black Frost
  • Josh came out to get dinner!
  • Well this is not a fun drive
  • Making some shrimp n things
  • I dunno why it took me so long to plant something here…
  • Fall landscaping
  • There’s something therapeutic about dressing and organizing wires. Upgraded the camper’s char...
  • Beetlejuice!
  • Noods n things!
  • Look at these two
  • Durby brought us a cucumber from the garden. We’re very proud of him.
  • Brunch.
  • Shoop
  • Late night slices after going out. It's been a while.
  • The halloween drag at the saddle was amazing
  • Snuck away for a birthday cocktail
  • The elevator shot
  • Lauren doin her thing
  • Time to golf
  • Danny’s license plate is ridic
  • It was fun to hang out on this patio tonight
  • My buddy, Harper had this shirt made and thought that I needed one, haha
  • Birthday girl!
  • It's fun to pretend like you live in Chicago again
  • Late night bullshittin
  • Creatures