1,843 photos taken with a Canon PowerShot SD550

  • Midnight Snack
  • Midnight Queer 4 comments
  • In the hot tub
  • Wtf, Tara??? 2 comments
  • Jody and Matt
  • In the hot tub
  • In the hot tub
  • Swimming
  • Dancing with Lisa
  • Dancing with Lisa
  • Dancing with Lisa
  • Dancing with Lisa
  • Shout!
  • Lisa
  • Wooooooooo!
  • Wow.
  • Thetas....
  • Thetas....
  • Y 1 comment
  • Dancing
  • Kari and Lisa
  • Carrie and Kari
  • In Typical Cornell Fashion
  • @ the reception
  • Girlies
  • Eric and Lisa Melander 1 comment
  • Balloons
  • Balloons
  • I better just watch skate vids instead
  • Falling
  • Big fall
  • Kickflip in the basement
  • Kickflip in the basement
  • Let me catch my balance, guys
  • RICO!!!!!! 3 comments
  • Getting the kayak ready
  • Kari, M'hamed, and I 1 comment
  • Everyone's facial expressons rule
  • Jason's Healing Head
  • Milio's at 3:30am 1 comment
  • Dancing @ Jakes 1 comment
  • They made out so much I thought I'd join