1,843 photos taken with a Canon PowerShot SD550

  • Won $4 in the airport!
  • "What is that thing?  Oh that's an iPod?  Can I try it?"
  • Flight to Vegas - That's how I roll.
  • Rich's camera might be broken, but it sure is beautiful 1 comment
  • Rich's broken camera and Mitch's kitty cat tattoo 2 comments
  • Clamps
  • Clamps
  • Josh's school pics 4 comments
  • Hailey 1 comment
  • Poker at Josh's parents - Nathan won again 1 comment
  • Nathan sleeping on the sleepers 2 comments
  • party mode 1 comment
  • ultra party mode
  • party mode
  • I cant even explain how awesome this was
  • This was taken 1 second before party mode kicked in
  • Josh singing the Gambler
  • Josh singing the gambler
  • Amy and I 4 comments
  • seriouly, still party mode
  • Monica and a buddy
  • Hair parted on the side and sweet beards
  • Seems like a good combination 5 comments
  • Josh and Monica
  • Josh dared me not to wear shoes to the bar 3 comments
  • Please inform bartender if you are carrying a weapon.  Gun permits are not valid if you have a bl...
  • German dude and Nathan 1 comment
  • Monica and Amy
  • Nathan's $13 LED mug and pitcher holster 2 comments
  • Me and Nathan in New Ulm
  • Monica and Josh in New Ulm
  • Brats
  • CASH 1 comment
  • Schell's Kegs
  • Aftermath
  • Aftermath
  • Our gift shop buddy
  • Amy, Monica, and some rams
  • Amy, some dude, and Monica
  • Our group @ bockfest 1 comment
  • Josh and I at bock fest 1 comment