1,843 photos taken with a Canon PowerShot SD550

  • RFID RC Car Control
  • RFID RC Car
  • RFID Golf - the balls had RFID chips in them, which kept your score
  • RFID Golf Game Software
  • Tag Man again
  • RFID Panel
  • Some of Chep's Tracking Software
  • Supply Chain
  • An insane slide, haha 1 comment
  • Blue Tag Man
  • A Giant Tag Man
  • RFID Journal Conference
  • A weird headed duck - or something
  • Tag Man!
  • There are a few sponsors - this is about half
  • A Lizard
  • A wonderful flash reflector idea that I'm gonna steal
  • Liar's Club, Des Moines 2 comments
  • Kevi and some woman
  • Truespin Media 1 comment
  • Nick and Zach
  • Kevi and some hot chick
  • Zach stealing a chick from a dude
  • Kevi and Liar's Club Girl
  • Posters @ Liar's Club
  • Game Over
  • Dudes
  • Girls dancing at Liar's Club 2 comments
  • Turbonium
  • Brought my Canon XL H1 to the club - No big deal...
  • Game Over
  • Nick and Kevi
  • Cedric.  Infuriated by West Des Moines coming downtown
  • Blood Brothers Posters @ Liar's Club 1 comment
  • At Liar's Club
  • Zach and Kevi
  • Probably time to go home
  • @ Redno5
  • I love it when clubs have drummers playing with the club music
  • Lights at Redno5
  • Harper's Lighting Install
  • Harper