5,285 photos taken with a Sony DSC-F717

  • Des Moines Capital from the East Village 1 comment
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Elevator Light
  • Looking up at the spiral stairs
  • A few flights of spiral stairs
  • Kari and Mom in the dome
  • A 20 year old paper airplane on one of the gods
  • The top of the dome
  • Looking down from the dome
  • The Senate Chamber
  • Fake Stairs 1 comment
  • Mosaic Foot - Angle 2
  • Mosaic Foot - Angle 1
  • Mosaic Murals
  • The House of Representatives Chamber
  • Apparently they wallpapered over the original gold wheat...
  • Closeup of the dome - that flag is suspended 20 feet below the sky 4 comments
  • Looking up at the dome 1 comment
  • Looking at the dome from the first floor 2 comments
  • Going for a shot
  • Fred Winding Up For a Shot
  • Trent is going to block that
  • I just did something awesome.
  • Luke Needs Shoes
  • Halftime Pep Talk
  • Driscoll's Team Vs. Ballhawgs
  • Nick Reaching
  • Tim, Our MVP
  • Driscoll's Team
  • Cole Sucks Vs. Lexington's
  • Triple B's Vs. Ballhawgs
  • Cole Sucks Vs. Lexington's
  • Cole Sucks Vs. Lexington's
  • Ballhawgs Vs. Triple B's
  • Causing a Cold Front.
  • Holy...
  • Zach and Half of Amy
  • Chuckles  havin a homebrew
  • Where's Waldo... err Cuervo
  • Kiss from Janelle 1 comment
  • What in the...  Where am i? 1 comment
  • Cuervo Black, Camel, Orbit, Cuervo Black