5,285 photos taken with a Sony DSC-F717

  • Mistrial
  • Mizuo
  • Christ Grind 2 comments
  • Alley-opp Negative Mistrial
  • Finally starting to stick royales..
  • Ah, much better.
  • Ninja playing in the flood 3 comments
  • A flooded box and some mulch floating by.
  • man.  so much water.
  • My shed - 2 inches higher and it woulda been flooded
  • The neighbors' flooded sheds 1 comment
  • My flooded backyard
  • Toys floatin down the river
  • A jungle of flooded playgrounds
  • Kari and Ninja watching the storm
  • The drain that's supposed to drain our back yard
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • DJ Diverse @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • DJ Diverse @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Aeon Grey @ Gross Domestic Product
  • The Envy Corps @ Gross Domestic Product
  • The Autumn Project @ Gross Domestic Product
  • The Autumn Project @ Gross Domestic Product
  • The Autumn Project @ Gross Domestic Product
  • The Autumn Project @ Gross Domestic Product
  • The Autumn Project @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Leap Year @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Leap Year @ Gross Domestic Product
  • Leap Year @ Gross Domestic Product
  • All trimmed out 2 comments
  • Gaiden Gadema @ Vaudeville Mews
  • Aeon & Diverse @ Vaudeville Mews
  • DJ Diverse @ Vaudeville Mews
  • Aeon Grey @ Vaudeville Mews
  • Aeon Grey @ Vaudeville Mews
  • Aeon Grey @ Vaudeville Mews
  • GunMetal Skeleton @ Vaudeville Mews