T-Mobile Sidekick posted

Harper always does this to me and I hate it.

Step 1: Harper keeps up on new technology big time (which is one advantage to having him as a friend
Step 2: Harper buys the new technology
Step 3: Harper shows it off to me
Step 4: I get jealous
Step 5: I read about the technology
Step 6: I learn that Harper is right and I want whatever it is that he bought
Step 7: I usually buy the product

This is cycle really stupid and usually expensive for me...

but anyway, Harper was IMing me from someone's car today via his Sidekick, which is step 3 from the cycle mentioned above. So I've already gotten over the Jealousy and read about the sidekick at danger.com.

It's got a full qwerty keyboard, AIM, unlimited email via the built in IMAP/Pop client, SSH, and it is not much bigger than my i95cl. (my phone: 2.0" x 3.5" x 1.1" // sidekick: 4.6" x 2.6" x 1.1")

...and i'm out of my contract. So, the next step is finding out how I can work out a good monthly plan, and then probably probably buy the sidekick.

Harper is one of my worst friends for this crap, haha.


  • Be strong Broox, say no. You get to use AIM and email on your computer all day at work if you want. Who needs that thing?

    Kraus posted

  • but now i can use aim and email from a club. and restart my webservers drunk. w00t. it is totally necessary ;) just like my mullet

    harper posted

  • yeah right, you won't take it to a club because you'll be wearing pants that your wallet barely fits in.

    unless you carry a satchel.

    derek posted

  • I prefer the term "man purse."

    vanwinkle posted

  • oh man, i am so undecided now. i might be leaning away from it now.

    it is so dope, but i dont know, there are some features that i just dont like...

    derek posted