Music tags

Here's a summary of the 222 things that I've tagged Music on this site.

Latest photos 204 more »

  • Music - New record day. Very different. Very good.
  • Music - Getting a preview of Mathew’s new track
  • Music - New Mac
  • Music - Playin records
  • Music - Doja cat time
  • Music - Excited for tonight’s show

Latest blog entries 9 more »

The 30 Year Old DJ

I'm 30 years old, love music, and am about to become the sickest DJ my bedroom has ever seen. But first, let me give you a a bit of a backstory... In the late 90s (high school, for me) I found house music. I had mostly been listening to terrible metal and rap at the time… but once I heard those crazy electro sounds, I started to become super interested. I even started going to some under-18 dance clubs in the Quad Cities... read more

My iPod Rating Dilemma

I'm a big fan of rating music so that I have playlists of things that do not suck. However, I've come to a dilemma. What happens when a song is so horrible that it's amazing? I mean, I want to know that it's horrible, but I also want to know that I love it. For example, Ill Mitch is this Russian Rapper - who may or may not be real and/or serious... read more
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