Blog Entries Tagged Rant

Here's a list of all 21 blog entries tagged Rant here at I've also got 0 other things related to Rant.

  • Cool Kids Eat Shit posted - 18 comments

    I've been thinking about this for a few years, so nothing directly sparked this blog... I've actually been consciously not writing this blog due to related situations coming up. I didn't want people to think that they sparked it.So that said, I was just sitting at home and suddenly got a strange urge to rant! hurrah!Here it is...Will someone tell me why the hell eating shitty food is cool? Why is a person who orders cottage cheese instead fries suddenly lame? read more

  • My iPod Rating Dilemma posted - 2 comments

    I'm a big fan of rating music so that I have playlists of things that do not suck. However, I've come to a dilemma. What happens when a song is so horrible that it's amazing? I mean, I want to know that it's horrible, but I also want to know that I love it. For example, Ill Mitch is this Russian Rapper - who may or may not be real and/or serious... read more

  • No Headphones at Work posted - 7 comments

    Peep this e-mail a friend of mine just got at work: For SAFETY Reasons: Fortunately (for safety) or unfortunately, we can NO longer have musical headsets in the office. This is in protection of hearing loss since volume cannot be monitored. This will be effective Monday, July 23rd. You can have a radio at your desk; however, the volume must be turned low. Thank you for your cooperation... read more

  • My Wife Kills My Productivity posted - 6 comments

    So, over the past couple years of living with Kari I've noticed something strange. There is a drastic difference in how much work I get done when Kari is home as opposed to when Kari is not home. See, when Kari is gone, I am so ridiculously productive. I sort of let my A.D.D. run wild working on somewhere between 3 and 10 different things in one evening... read more

  • The Definition of "I Love You" posted - 11 comments

    This phrase is not defined in most dictionaries, so I thought I'd help out. I · love · you [ahy luhv yoo] -idiom 1. Goodbye: Honey, could you pick up some meatloaf while you're at the store? ... I love you, bye... read more

  • Hidden Lives posted - 26 comments

    In July of 2005 i wanted to make my site nicer, more organized, and more fun. To do this I added Tagging. Tagging is this really nice feature used by popular sites like Flickr, YouTube, Google, etc. Tags rule. They invoke a lot of coordination in a web site and are just fun... read more

  • Babies Suck - Bad posted - 27 comments

    A-ha, the long awaited Brooks-Baby-Rant article. First of all I want to say that I mean no offense to any of my friends who have children, I just don't want them. Also, I don't hate children - in moderation. I mean, I do have some pretty rad younger cousins. So, that said, ready? read more

  • omg, I hate Walmart posted - 1 comment

    Seriously it is soooo ghetto. I usually try to avoid it at all costs. But I came in today to return some headphones that I got in florida and didn't like - it straight sucked. I sometimes forget how ghetto and sucky Walmart is, and then I return only to regret it - immensely. And you know what the worst part of walmart is? read more

  • Character Flaws posted - 3 comments

    This is going to be so "college" and "lame" and "sappy" and "retarded" of me. So I apologize up front. I've been meaning to write about this since the first time I saw SLC Punk, which was some time in college. In the movie, there's a quote by the main character, Steve-O (Matthew Lillard), that was interesting to me. Actually there were several quotes that sparked some thought - which is weird for such a "B movie," but this one in particular really got me... read more

  • My Bathroom Theory (No. 3): Urinals posted - 6 comments

    It may seem weird that I have so much to say about bathrooms. However, if you think about it, you spend a fair amount of time in a bathroom. Seriously, you're in there at least 5 times every single day. It's something that everyone does but never really talks about the politics of. This is the exact reason that I've written my "theories" or thoughts about things that happen in restrooms... read more

  • Bad words posted - 26 comments

    WTF are bad words? haha - yeah I said that. But seriously, what is swearing? Why is swearing wrong? I've been thinking about this for a long long time... read more

  • My Bathroom Theory (No. 2): The Toilet Seat posted - 16 comments

    It's rant time! Ok, sometime in 04 I wrote about washing your hands after peeing and how it's stupid to do. Since I wrote the article I've paid a lot of attention to bathroom etiquette (spelled, e.t. ummmmmmm). I've noticed lots of funny things, when people wash their hands, when they don't etc... read more

  • The Other Derek Said It posted - 11 comments

    I went to college with a guy named Derek Johnson. I didn't really know him too well - except that he collided with Kari's truck when driving through a parking lot once. But yesterday Kari got to his blog through Tara's blog and pointed out this article, which is pretty hilarious. And it totally follows 90% of the things that Kari and I say about babies. So I'm going to repost...... read more

  • My Bathroom Theory (No. 1): Washing Your Hands posted - 11 comments

    Washing your hands after using the bathroom. I've been thinking about this quite a lot lately. This joke (with several variations) comes to mind but it goes something like: There's a kid that just gets done peeing and starts to walk out of the bathroom. A guy says, "Hey kid, didn't your mom teach you to wash your hands after you pee?" The kid then replies, "No, she taught me not to pee on my hands." I mean, how necessary is it that I wash my hands after taking a pee? I don't pee on my hands... read more

  • ICP sucks. posted - 15 comments

    For some reason I'm in a rowdy/ranting mood today. I really think it's funny when people give me crap for listening to the insane clown posse (icp). They get all worked up about a group I listen to? haha, wtf. It's funny because most of the people that diss them have probably heard 3 of their songs, and they were probably songs from 7 years ago... read more

  • Holy Caucus posted - 13 comments

    Man, there are so many crazy political people in this country. I seriously can't believe how many people get so stressed about politics. The caucus was yesterday, so Des Moines swelled with thousands of die hard political people. I met one group that drove from Texas just to get their stupid heads counted... and then they'll drive back home... read more

  • Pasta Capri posted - 5 comments

    Kari spilled an entire "styrofoam leftover container" of Pasta Capri in my car. It's a very oily pasta with fettucine, portabella mushrooms, and artichoke hearts. read more

  • Cedric and the Des Moines Buccaneers are Ghetto posted - 4 comments

    On Friday, my friend Cedric had the day off, so we emptied his cube. We also moved boxes and a printer in and labeled everything with "Charles Brown" moving tags. On Saturday, Kari and I went to a Des Moines Buccaneers Hockey game. They are in the same league as the Cedar Rapids Rough Riders... (First of all, I'm not one of the super cool fans for teams full of 18-20 year olds, but they are definitely fun)... read more

  • blows posted - 6 comments

    I am writing this out of rage after placing my first order on half dot friggin com.... sucks, and sucks hard. first of all they didn't give me a buy button next to the thing i wanted to buy.... so i got mad. and then, after i finally got through to the checkout and was ready to buy my ultra-cheap CD... read more

  • Girls are gross posted - 2 comments

    There are a few things I hate. And one of them is discussion about female hygene. Especially commercials on TV and emails like this: There is an ongoing problem of tampon applicators being flushed down the toilets. When you flush them, they end up in a pit where there are pumps to send the waste up to the main drain line. The applicator will get trapped in the pumps and damage them, unless I remove them, which is an unpleasant task and takes me away from my other duties, which costs the company money... read more

  • College students posted - 17 comments

    As many of you know, I'm just starting my 4th and final year of college. Which has given me quite a good amount of time to draw some conclusions about the people here.First of all, I had a block off for an internship... so I started school a month later than everyone else. While my fellow classmates were going to class, writing papers, and taking hard exams, I was doing work that I loved, got some great experience, made a lot of money, got class credit, and expanded my resume.Since I've been back at school (nearly 2 weeks), I'm really starting to come to terms with the fact that 95% of college students are made up of sheer B.S. I mean, seriously, look at the social science majors... read more