July 2, 2013

I slept 7.6 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 2 photos, wrote 7 microblogs, walked 3.0 miles, and weighed 179.2 pounds. I was in Ankeny.

Being able to (fairly easily) get carrier unlocked iPhones these days is nice. Upgrading Kari's handset.
went to bed
fell asleep
woke up after sleeping 7.6 hours
Wow. People can be real dicks on kickstarter... For some reason I guess I expected backers of micro-ventures to be tolerant and encouraging. 6 comments
P.S. I do not have a kickstarter project... Just noticing terrible comments on updates for projects I've backed.
@bushelofawesome @smartthings @carlhancock I still think this is an extremely awkward interaction to differentiate devices. 3 comments
checked in at Sally Beauty Supply, Ankeny, Iowa
checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa
¡necesito más emergen-c!
First time making homemade bibimbap! www.flickr.com/photo...92866/
Buy headphones from AIAIAI. They are an amazing company. 2 comments
went to bed
fell asleep

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