September 18, 2008

I wrote 1 blog and wrote 10 microblogs.

i had bad/crazy dreams.
pink floyd has been the official music of my morning routine for the past couple weeks, heh.
heh heh heh, @toeb1 and @right65 are gonna do it.
Why I Might Vote This Year - A Non-Voter's Take
Why I Might Vote This Year - A Non-Voter's Take
i'm looking for a chipotle lunch partner. anyone? anyone?
i am the smartest man alive.
got reservations for wabi saturday night. oh yes. 1 comment
buying that bottle of grey goose from target was way too much work. took, a grocery person, cutomer service, and a manager.
why are networked printers such a pain in the ass with windows? 1 comment
goin to bed. excited that i'll be unsober in chicago at this hour tomorrow.

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