September 4, 2008

I took 1 photo and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in Ankeny.

hey, can someone put some stacks in my jeans and a phantom up in my garage? 2 comments
i think claritin d is fake. all it does it make me have crazy dreams while remaining completely stuffed up. 2 comments
wtf, my dashboard weather app has been set to austin, tx since i got this new imac. i thought it seemed colder than it was telling me, ha.
@KevinSwitzer no
starting to tackle some closet cleaning so i can fit this new file cabinet in here...
i have eaten subway for lunch and indian food for dinner the past 2 days
week 3, day 1 owned me. i was only able to crank out 82 pushups
loadin up on some gin and tonic so i can more easily deal with my margarita'd up wife, ha

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