668 photos taken in Florida

  • Casitas 5 - The Building I Stayed in
  • Reflections Across the Lake
  • Hallway at the Resort
  • Lion fountain at the resort
  • I can't think of anything more tough than this....
  • A Giant Big Wheel
  • Some Giant Foosball
  • Kevi's in this one for scale 1 comment
  • My Duck Friend
  • Dude trimming some Palm Trees
  • Intermec Technologies 1 comment
  • Des Moines Alive Sponsored RFID Journal
  • Some Passive RFID Antennas
  • A really nice conveyer demo
  • RFID RC Car Control
  • RFID RC Car
  • RFID Golf - the balls had RFID chips in them, which kept your score
  • RFID Golf Game Software
  • Monsanto: 1, Pioneer: 0
  • Tag Man again
  • RFID Panel
  • Some of Chep's Tracking Software
  • Supply Chain
  • An insane slide, haha 1 comment
  • Blue Tag Man
  • A Giant Tag Man
  • RFID Journal Conference
  • Blue Man Group
  • Minnis Surfing
  • Some Reggae Band at Bob Marley's in the City Walk
  • Entrance to Universal Studios
  • They sped the Universal ball up a ridiculous amount
  • A crazy lighthouse at Universal 2 comments
  • You can't really tell from the photo - but the margarita volcano is erupting
  • Minnis trying sushi for the first time
  • Cucumber Wrapped Salmon Roe
  • My Sushi - which was apparently not cheap
  • Kevi's Sushi
  • Minnis' Insane Hotel 1 comment
  • Wooo Wooooo, here comes the towel train
  • A weird headed duck - or something
  • Tag Man!