Photos Tagged Building

Here's a list of all 880 photos tagged Building here at

  • Building - A few more boxes done
  • Building - First box done
  • Building - Glue n clamps
  • Building - Assembly time
  • Building - Handles cut out with the jigsaw
  • Building - Drilling handles
  • Building - Dados cut
  • Building - First cuts made for my dados
  • Building - Box parts
  • Building - Cross cutting the rest of the doors into 12" strips to use for the bottoms.
  • Building - Sides cut to make a bunch of 12x12" and 12x18" boxes
  • Building - Cutting the sides to length
  • Building - Doors ripped into 9.5" strips to use for the sides of the boxes
  • Building - The old garage shelves
  • Building - It didn't take Kari long to load it up with stuff.
  • Building - The grain around the live edge is really interesting.
  • Building - I probably could've shaved another 1/2" off of the thickness, but overall I think it turned out p...
  • Building - Or maybe some pink accent lights?
  • Building - How about some blue accent lights...
  • Building - The underside with the lights off
  • Building - Shelf: mounted. Sink: lit.
  • Building - Lights mounted... it looks bad from this angle, but the frosted diffuser really helped a ton.
  • Building - To clean up the light strip and distribute the light a bit more uniformly, I also added some alum...
  • Building - When I was almost done with everything, I did the dumbest thing ever and dropped the shelf on it'...
  • Building - The top cracks and knots all cleaned up
  • Building - The front knot sanded down.
  • Building - Filling a big knot in the front of the shelf... this whole process was new to me and felt so sket...
  • Building - Filling these big cracks really felt like I was ruining everything
  • Building - Scraped and sanded down the first layer of epoxy... it needed another layer after this.
  • Building - Filling some knots and holes with the dyed epoxy.
  • Building - I immediately spilled dye everywhere. It took a long time for this to come off of my hand.
  • Building - I bought some epoxy and dark walnut dye for filling the knots and cracks
  • Building - oooo, prettty lights.
  • Building - Got the low voltage wire extensions shrink wrapped and ran through the wall...
  • Building - I later realized that the slightly older versions of hue light strips had a coupler that wasn't h...
  • Building - light strip channel routed...
  • Building - I bored a little container to conceal the annoying hardwired lightstrip coupler ... but I wound u...
  • Building - Routing out a channel to conceal some strip lighting
  • Building - Kari puts up with a lot...
  • Building - Ripping down a 3.25" thick, 50lb hunk of walnut on a contractor saw by myself felt a little sketc...
  • Building - Side view of the mockup with the live edge
  • Building - A quick mockup to see how the size felt... Maybe a little thick.