Photos Tagged Building

Here's a list of all 880 photos tagged Building here at

  • Building - Squaring this up with the palm router wasn't fast, but it worked!
  • Building - My jointer wasn't quite big enough, so I made a little sled for my palm router to square things up
  • Building - How I do dust collection on my miter saw
  • Building - The transition down the stairs
  • Building - Finished product
  • Building - The hardest part
  • Building - The bottom of the first flight
  • Building - Looking into the living room from the landing
  • Building - Looking down the stairs
  • Building - A closeup of one of the corners
  • Building - The top planed up
  • Building - The bottom planed up
  • Building - This generated a bit of sawdust... By the time this project was all said and done, this bag was c...
  • Building - After a couple passes through the planer, I started to get a feel for how pretty the grain was.
  • Building - To square it up, I cut a couple straight pieces of plywood and tacked them to the sides with roof...
  • Building - And we had to make a decision, keep the live-edge or not?
  • Building - After sitting in storage for several years the wood got a bit warped and twisted, so I had to get...
  • Building - Removable toe kick finished up
  • Building - Clamps off
  • Building - Clamps off
  • Building - Glued up n clamped
  • Building - Fittin things together with Rico
  • Building - Progress
  • Building - When it was time for final assembly and glue-up, I asked my good buddy, Rico to give me a hand.
  • Building - Things coming together
  • Building - Dry fitting a cap and baseboard just to get a glimpse of what everything would look like
  • Building - Removing the masking and plastic bubble was exciting, and gave us a glimpse of what the final pro...
  • Building - After letting the alkyd ("oil") base stain dry for a few days, I tried my hand at spraying on a f...
  • Building - Top posts: stained!
  • Building - Starting to stain the first couple posts
  • Building - My tent for finishing the newel posts in our already finished home.
  • Building - Finishing the pre-installed newel posts required so much prep work
  • Building - Then I had to mask everything that I'd already installed in order to finish the newel posts
  • Building - Finished banister caps and base boards.
  • Building - I masked the glue points of all of the wooden banister pieces before finishing
  • Building - Finishing all of the trim pieces in my shop
  • Building - Setting everything in place before disassembling to finish.
  • Building - Look at this fit.
  • Building - Once my newel post hole jig was made, I used a combination of a multi-tool, Japanese pull saw and...
  • Building - I made a jig in order to help me make a clean, square hole to inset the bottom newel post into th...
  • Building - Then it was back to the tricky part... Getting the rest of the angled pieces fit and cut.
  • Building - Every project is an excuse to buy some new tools, so... I decided to pick up a thickness planer t...