Jeff Reynolds tags

Here's a summary of the 1,825 things that I've tagged Jeff Reynolds on this site.

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  • Jeff Reynolds - Family on the Farm
  • Jeff Reynolds - Some dudes waitin foods
  • Jeff Reynolds - Kari and her dad
  • Jeff Reynolds - Kari and her parents
  • Jeff Reynolds - Enjoying some Blonde Fatales
  • Jeff Reynolds - Snacks!

Latest blog entries

Vic's Ears and Reynolds Anniversary Party

So last weekend, we hosted a 30th Anniversary party for Jeff and Teresa. It was quite ridiculous - lots of people, barely enough food, and lots of drinks. Saturday morning, Jeff, Vic, and I went to 5 point studios to get Victor's ears pierced. He's been wanting to 0-00 gauge plugs, however he has never had his ears pierced. So we talked to Leo at 5 point to find out he could very easily pierce them to 2 gauge with a needle/taper, or use a scalpel to go up to 00... read more