October 1, 2008

I took 1 photo and wrote 10 microblogs. I was in Des Moines.

just figured out freecreditreport.com's scam. those lil sombitches. 3 comments
thinking about transferring some money from my ING account to a smartypig account. 6 comments
headin south for some steak burritos. 1 comment
there are too many options for things to do tonight. dammit.
this data model (mixed with rails) is seriously killing my brain. i am about to just write the bleeper bloppin sql.
checkin out giff's
tell me which OC yall are going to. i'll meet up for a couple.
headin to MH OC. get a bar seat!
cubs are playing in october! ...poorly
skippin the mgmt concert. i gots bills ta pay

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