October 17, 2008

I took 2 photos and wrote 10 microblogs. I was in Ankeny and Altoona.

Setting up to present an app I built to a client.
w00t, client loved my app, just a few changes to make.
Excla.im has only sent 2 of my friend updates to me. Both from @harper, ha. 1 comment
Los laureles. Oh yes.
Finishin up my crown tattoo. Again. ;)
tattoo, done. headin to prairie meadows to watch tara's brother race horses
where's decent food in altoona? we're at prairie meadows 2 comments
i asked for a dark beer at the casino and got a heineken 1 comment
dinner at big steer! 1 comment
tattoo cleaned and rebandaged. now starts a few nights of helly stomach sleepin.

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_object() on boolean in /app/includes/db.php on line 136