October 2, 2008

I took 3 photos and wrote 14 microblogs. I was in Des Moines and Ankeny.

for some reason it feels like im wakin up way late...
sarah palin is an i, ehm, uh, umm, errr... an idiot
@KevinSwitzer i think it's a *bang* *cock* *ching* rathern than *bang* *ka-ching* what do you think?
sandwich time. oh yes.
walking to lunch is nice. if only i could walk to work.
ridedart.com is awful. they should hire me to rebuild their maps and routes.
@smartypig overstock.com - 6%
At home. Trying excla.im with my newly created phone jabber account.
rance at wells fargo is one smart dude. He's gettin me all setup.
skatin up to diverse's for a bit
played beer pong at diverse's, and now i'm sober drivin kari to west glen for drinks n cubs.
apparently our cab/cabaret friends sold the cab in johnston.
frackin cubs. goin to rock bottom so kari can get a rocktoberfest
@right65 seriously dude? make sure you watch bring it on next. douche 2 comments

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