Blog archives

A collection of all the nonsense I've posted to the internet over the past 25 years of my blog life

  • I am the Cracker, Cheese, Crab, Carb King posted - 3 comments

    I snack. Oh man I snack. When I lived alone I never had snack food because of this. I made sure that all the food I had were things that only worked for dinner, like microwavable meals, frozen chicken breasts, and salmon. But now that Kari makes sure our groceries are fully stocked it's getting out of hand... read more

  • Filming the 2030 Road Rally posted - 1 comment

    was a blast. It was pure chaos all day. Just driving around seeing people you "knew" in amazing cars all throughout the day. It was a good feeling for sure. Most of us were connected only by your love of cars and driving... read more

  • MPLS VIP 2007 posted - 5 comments

    Man, I really haven't had the energy to blog... but I suppose it's time to write about last weekend. So, Nathan, Josh, and I met up in Minneapolis for another big going-out fest, similar to what we did last year for Josh's birthday. The plan is basically to go to Minneapolis on Friday and come home on Sunday - that's it. Everything else just sort of falls into place, which is generally chaos... read more

  • Re-Optiplex'd! posted - 6 comments

    As a computer programmer I like to stay on top of new technology - like computers. That said, I think it's important that you buy a new computer at least once every ... 5 years, haha, wtf? No, for real, I bought my last computer 5 years ago this month, which is pretty baffling. Don't get me wrong, I upgraded it a bit over the years, but it's still ridiculous... read more

  • No Cars, High Bars posted - 6 comments

    What's been up lately? Well yesterday we had another outing at Lake Panorama, which was nice. I golfed for the first time this year and shot pretty good - only hit 1 duffer and 1 slice. However, Nick and I got paired up with JD in a best shot "tournament." And if you don't know JD... all I can say is that he's really good at golf... read more

  • PB, Galena, and LeClaire posted - 1 comment

    Why are windshield wiper controls so different in every vehicle? Seriously. I somehow wound up driving a LOT this weekend, in 4 different vehicles. Between Kari's SUV, mom's new car, dad's SUV, and Jeff's truck. By the end of the weekend I was almost taking Jeff's truck out of gear just to clear some rain off the windshield... read more

  • My Talon: Finally the End? posted - 18 comments

    My car has been running horribly lately. The engine sounds horrible, it idles bad, etc. I mean, what can I really expect from an engine with 175,000 miles on it. Well... Monday I pulled into the garage, shut the car off, and heard a new *CLUNK* noise... read more

  • The Bar is Done posted - 4 comments

    And we broke it in. That's right, 6 months later and I finally finished the the basement bar project. There are still a couple accessories to add: lighting, stemware rack, stools, and a shoe rail. But finally the bar's in a completely usable state and I can forget about it for a minute. before after The party went pretty well... read more

  • Lollapalooza 2007 posted - 1 comment

    My last 2 birthdays have been the most insanely awesome/draining weekends ever. My birthday, in Chicago, on Lollapalooza weekend. The best thing about this year was that I saw every band that I had written down to see, except for silverchair. I even saw some shows on conflicting schedules, yessss. However, my feet always kill me during the entire weekend... read more

  • First Visit to Lake Madison posted - 2 comments

    So this weekend we went to South Dakota to visit my second cousin in law, Jerry Cozad, haha (Jeff's cousin). I really had no information about the weekend except that we were going to some Lake near Sioux Falls. I had no idea what to expect, but I certainly didn't expect to be in cabins nicer than my house... which is exactly what we found. And these weren't full time houses for these people, they were just weekend cabins... read more

  • My "Transform Your Summer" Mt Dew Hoodie posted - 5 comments

    July 6 me: this mountain dew hoodie currently has 2,728 entries me: there are 300 winners Josh: 1 in 9 me: is that a 1:9 chance? Josh: yep me: and i have 18 codes Josh: 2:1 chance Josh: 18:9 me: those are good odds Josh: Mathmatically, you should win a hoodie Josh: very me: maybe even 2 hoodies me: haha Josh: If someone would take the bet, I would bet $100 that you win a hoodie with those odds Josh: haha July 6, IRC <broox> anyone want to make a bet for $100 that i win a hoodie from this mountain dew contest? <npl> i do not <npl> but thanks July 10 me: i never did enter my codes for that hoodie that day Josh: haha me: so i have 23 now me: today's current entries: 2409 me: 300 winners me: i bet we can assume that doubles me: which should gaurantee that i win still Josh: yeah me: mathematically July 25 I got my Mt Dew Hoodie. Now I'm going to mathematically win the Optimus Prime toy. read more

  • Most People Try to Hide The Hard Times posted - 2 comments

    I'm going to put mine right out there... The thing that I hate more than anything else is my money situation over the last few years. I keep telling myself it'll get better, and I keep trying my ass off to make it that way, but it never gets to a point that it's bearable. I am seriously, seriously depressed about it. It's retarded... read more

  • My iPod Rating Dilemma posted - 2 comments

    I'm a big fan of rating music so that I have playlists of things that do not suck. However, I've come to a dilemma. What happens when a song is so horrible that it's amazing? I mean, I want to know that it's horrible, but I also want to know that I love it. For example, Ill Mitch is this Russian Rapper - who may or may not be real and/or serious... read more

  • Tubing the Iowa River posted - 3 comments

    Saturday, 10:15am. We cracked our first beers while waiting to depart for the river. We'd just set up camp and were in for a great day - and a great day it was. So yeah, Nathan put together a little tubing trip down the Iowa River through a company called Rock-N-Row Adventures. It was originally mostly couples, then 2 couples backed out and 3 girls backed out... read more

  • No Headphones at Work posted - 7 comments

    Peep this e-mail a friend of mine just got at work: For SAFETY Reasons: Fortunately (for safety) or unfortunately, we can NO longer have musical headsets in the office. This is in protection of hearing loss since volume cannot be monitored. This will be effective Monday, July 23rd. You can have a radio at your desk; however, the volume must be turned low. Thank you for your cooperation... read more

  • My Wife Kills My Productivity posted - 6 comments

    So, over the past couple years of living with Kari I've noticed something strange. There is a drastic difference in how much work I get done when Kari is home as opposed to when Kari is not home. See, when Kari is gone, I am so ridiculously productive. I sort of let my A.D.D. run wild working on somewhere between 3 and 10 different things in one evening... read more

  • Ninja's Hankerin' posted - 6 comments

    For a new hip. So, Ninja has been acting really funny lately, like his hind legs aren't working and are hurting him. He's been having a lot of trouble getting onto furniture, getting up stairs, and even getting up off the floor. Several times lately he's tried to hop into bed and got completely denied. And even worse yet, he has to use the stairs for nearly everything - even going to the bathroom... read more

  • Vic's Ears and Reynolds Anniversary Party posted

    So last weekend, we hosted a 30th Anniversary party for Jeff and Teresa. It was quite ridiculous - lots of people, barely enough food, and lots of drinks. Saturday morning, Jeff, Vic, and I went to 5 point studios to get Victor's ears pierced. He's been wanting to 0-00 gauge plugs, however he has never had his ears pierced. So we talked to Leo at 5 point to find out he could very easily pierce them to 2 gauge with a needle/taper, or use a scalpel to go up to 00... read more

  • Wet Healing a Tattoo posted - 24 comments

    Hopefully I'm not speaking too soon on this one, but my second round of tattooing is healing a million times better than the first. I'm pretty sure this is completely due to a new healing process that I'm trying called Wet Healing. Let me back track and talk about my first session, I was told to shower the night of the tattoo, then to keep it dry (no water), but moisturize with lotion 3 times daily until the scabs come off. At that point I could wash it, etc. It seemed simple enough, however the dark/heavy shading scabbed horribly... read more

  • Ashley and Jacobi's Wedding posted

    Man. If you know anything about Cornell, the Gammas, the Thetas, and how anyone involved in any of those sets can party - you'll understand why my weekend was completely and normally insane. This weekend was Jacobi and Ashley's wedding in Charles City, IA, which was super nice. Not to rag on Charles City, because it's bigger than my hometown, but I did not expect such a nice event to come out of such a small town. I guess, I had only thought about how crazy it would be, which it of course was... read more